
When The Father’s Day Dust Settles: Making New Memories With Netflix

When The Father’s Day Dust Settles: Making New Memories With Netflix

Father’s Day has come and gone, again. All of that dad-centric attention that fills your TV screens with grill ads and sports car spots has settled back into business as usual and I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a slight hangover effect from all of that focus on fathers. It’s a sharp drop(…)

A Bridge To Where We’re Going (the makeover edition)

A Bridge To Where We’re Going (the makeover edition)

Let’s pretend, for the sake of argument, that you’ve wondered where I’ve been. That you’ve noticed our conspicuous absence over here on the blog. That you’ve checked in on us, often, only to discover that nothing new had been documented since October. That you’ve clicked and heard the crickets. Well, suffice it to say, we(…)