About Mike Heenan


Posts by Mike Heenan:

My Daughter Did It

My Daughter Did It

I thought this was preserve-worthy. My 3 yr old painted this the other day.  Let me say that again.  My THREE year old painted this the other day!  Medium: kiddie paint and glitter glue on canvas (after Dada inadvertently hit it with a garden hose).  The MIL insists that it’s like looking at the clouds…look long(…)

Helping To Fight Cancer Looks Good On Me

Helping To Fight Cancer Looks Good On Me

“But soft! What art through yonder header breaks?” you may be asking yourself. Probably not. I’ll tell you anyway. You see, I am fiercely giddy and openly jovial on this finest of fine mornings for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is that brand new, fam-spangled banner you see up there. The(…)

The One Where J. Boogie “Writes” A Book

The One Where J. Boogie “Writes” A Book

  Everyone believes their kids are exceptional. To hear parents tell it, you would think that ALL children were budding young Einsteins and latent Michelangelos; parents’ billfolds bursting with baby pictures that, in reality, rival Nick Nolte mugshots. Fridges adorned with sad, paint-splattered scraps. I’m no different. My “seed” are Gerber-worthy stunners! The “gifted,” female(…)

A Simple Song For Mama

A Simple Song For Mama

I floated this around, sometime last year, but am happy to finally have a permanent home for it.  A simple, little, tribute ditty we put together to wish our Queen B. a happy first day back at work. Thanks for grooving to our antics!

So, We Gave It A Go…

So, We Gave It A Go…

Here we are, another compelling installment of our ongoing series (not true, this is a first): “Sam I Am Not” or “Don’t Knock It Til’ You’ve Tried It”, I haven’t decided.  In this series we highlight kid-specific activities, (crafts, tasks, chores and more!) gleaned from the web and elsewhere, aimed at making mince-meat of the(…)

Fathering (and Blogging) Blind

Fathering (and Blogging) Blind

J. Boogie, When I wasn’t much older than you are right now you might find me, on any given ‘every-other-weekend’, wandering the daunting hallway at my dad’s.  I’d hang a sharp right and burst, unannounced,  through the door to his bedroom and there he’d be, on his knees like I’d seen him before in the(…)

The Whys

The Whys

I always pictured a long list of “whys” for my inaugural blog launch but I think this will suffice. I scratched it in haste, in a green, Italian-leather bound journal, while still in the hospital, just days after the birth of my first born. There it sat, largely untouched until, three years later, more than(…)